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compound Bioblend LT25B 12 2021.png
nature2need degradable biomaterials are advanced blends functionally enhanced with natural minerals & organic fillers. All grades can be enriched with natural fibers (e.g., bamboo fiber) and 2nd/3rd generation biomass (e.g., rice husk) to create a natural look & feel. 
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nature2need biopolymer compounds are delivered as pellets suitable for standard polymer injection, extrusion and blow molding processes. All grades are ready-to-use feedstock. To suite different industry and product needs, we commercialized grades with varying mechanical, thermal and processing properties. Based on specific needs, we can always tailor and customize our material grades to your requirements.

nature2need's biopolymer compounds are bio-based, compostable and/or biodegradable in industrial and/or natural conditions; they are  "Made to Degrade".


nature2need biopolymer grades are blended with advanced, functional minerals from local and regional sources. Minerals are naturally occurring compounds with extraordinary natural characteristics. We make use of these characteristics to optimize processing, mechanical and thermal properties as well as the look & feel of our materials. Mineral enhanced biopolymer compounds comply with norms and regulations in unprecedented ways; hence, we can create outstanding products with truly natural and sustainable materials.

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Spectabio grades are significantly blended with natural fibers (e.g., bamboo), agricultural residues (e.g., coffee and rice husk, straw), green community waste & forestry residues (e.g., wooden saw dust), food processing waste (e.g., spent coffee grains, spent beer grains, egg shells) or natural industrial waste - 2nd/3rd generation biomass. Our biomass is processed without energy & water intensive processes. The storage of biomass in consumer products represents a more permanent removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. 

3 lines of nature2need biopolymer compounds, with extreme performance and amazingly sustainable, suitable for injection molding, extrusion molding, blow molding and film blow molding manufacturing processes.
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Bioblend grades are high-performing bio-polymer compounds developed for soft to rigid injection molding applications. All grades can be blended with 2nd/3rd gen biomass. Bioblend grades are bio-degradable in home and/or industrial compost conditions.

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Spectabio grades are significantly blended with natural fibers (e.g., bamboo) or direct 2nd/3rd gen. biomass (e.g., rice and coffee husk). Spectabio grades are biodegradable in uncontrolled conditions or are compostable in home and/or industrial compost conditions. 

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Natureblend grades are advanced blends of biopolymers to deliver tailored properties for items processed with injection, blow and  film blow molding. Nature-blend grades are bio-degradable or OK-home compost.

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